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On Leave Devices

On Leave Device Process


When staff needs to go out on leave for any reason, the laptop and/or iPad with charger is to be collected and given to IT Department to be held in storage while staff is out. 


  1. Create a workorder to have laptop/iPad and charger put in storage -- Subject line should be
    1. On Hold -- staff name, UID, asset number
  2. Technician will pick up device and charger and deliver to IT Department
  3. IT Department will place device in special area for storage and work order gets placed on hold.
  4. When staff returns, complete the following 
    1. school updates on hold work order with teacher’s return date
    2. Create return workorder for interim device and charger pickup
  5. IT will pull device and charger and make sure it is charged and put in transfer area for technician to deliver back to school
  6. If interim device and charger were given, this device and charger must be returned when teacher device and charger were delivered or before


** Once IT Department has the teacher device and charger, an interim device can be requested.